5 Great Online Fitness Marketing Ideas



Running a diversified Chino hills gym program is the key to being successful in this industry. The old adage “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” is especially true of advertising and marketing. Some people get hung up on emerging fitness marketing avenues like Facebook ads, “Deal of the Day” coupons, or text message marketing campaigns. These are all great ideas, mind you, but no one avenue is going to bring you riches.


1.       Content Marketing: British Ad Executive David Ogilvy once said, “What really decides consumers to buy or not to buy is the content of your advertising, not its form,” meaning that engaging, informative content is what truly draws people to your business. Good fitness marketing should include maintaining several blogs that address concerns (and keywords) that your demographic is looking up on a daily basis. Your primary goal should not be to sell yourself, but to research and write the information that people are seeking online. When they find that you’re a great resource, you begin to gain their loyalty. Once you interest consumers in the topic, they will come closer to being ready to make a purchase – and how convenient that your link is there!

2.       Pay Per Click Ads: If you don’t know what Google AdWords is yet, then you’d better read up on it! All your competitors are using paid search to get more prominent positioning on Google’s search page, so why aren’t you? When you’re creating your campaign, be sure to create a new landing page (not your homepage) to take consumers directly to the information they desire most. You want to keep that landing page as simple as possible. For example, you might make it a sign-up form for a boot camp if your article is about “boot camps in Chino Hills.” Lastly, make sure your keywords are very targeted and focused. You can’t expect to be in the top 3 for a generic keyword like “fitness trainer.” A better choice might be “Chino Hills fitness trainer.”

3.       YouTube: YouTube is a great place to flex your expertise. You can not only post videos on the site, but in your blogs, on your homepage and in your social networks as well. You can demonstrate the proper form for popular exercises. You can post testimonials from clients. You can give a behind-the-scenes look at the life of a fitness trainer. You can discuss fitness tips, show people how to make smart choices at the grocery store, or make a promotional ad with clips from your boot camp sessions.

4.       Email Marketing: In the world of Chino Hills Fitness, email campaigns are one of the most tested, tried and true methods of reaching clients. You can create a fitness newsletter full of helpful tips, recipes, exercise suggestions, and motivational quotes that will go out regularly to subscribers who have an interest in this area. You can offer them a free e-book download or free personal training session in exchange for their contact information. You might also partner with another comparable business (say a local smoothie bar or athletic clothing shop) and trade subscriber lists to reach an even greater market.

5.       Search Engine Optimization: It really pays to spend a few dollars consulting an SEO expert. Chances are, no one is finding your page due to a minor design flaw or the absence of important keywords. Get another opinion and see if you can improve your site traffic literally overnight.


Would you like more advice on your fitness marketing? Contact Fit Concepts today!